My BIGGEST lesson learned that I hope will help YOU!

GO FOR IT! the end.

Wow.. Great Blog! Stop by for the next one. JK.


No, really!  I want you to know the BIGGEST lesson I have learned in the last year is to just GO FOR IT!  In the past 2 years since I've been away from the blog I have gotten married, chopped off my hair, became a fur mama, and oh completely changed my career. I think society pressures us to feel like we have to have it all together, post the best pictures on instagram, have the biggest engagement rings, the newest farmhouse on 10 acres, and not to mention live a perfect life. Im not telling you to do that, but I am telling you if that is what you want, then just GO FOR IT!  If I look back and I had stayed in that comfort zone, if I would have just kept the "day to day" routine i wouldn't be who I am today. There is 86,400 seconds in a day and what you don't use your going to loose. Why sit back everyday and think I should have done this? Or if only I had ......
Change your mindset, change your life and just GO FOR IT! If your anything like me; you are a planner and as much as you would like to GO FOR IT.. it terrifies you and you fear failure. See below the next 4 steps for getting to the just GO FOR IT mindset.

  • Set the Goal
  • Research how to achieve that goal
  • Create a plan to reach the goal

Your goal does not need nor have to be: to become the president, a brain surgeon, or the next movie star. The Goal needs to be something YOU want to achieve. For example my next goal is to be bilingual. I have set the goal, researched the goal, creating a plan for myself and i am GOING FOR IT! 

Be thankful to wake up every day, enjoy it and GO FOR IT! 

- Ruffles with a Purpose 

This is me just GOING FOR IT by setting goals, hoping to encourage you, and wanting to see you ASPIRE for what you have always wanted to do from the comfort of my couch.  😄


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