The purpose:

Ruffles with a Purpose will share helpful tips, bring laughter, give you confidence, help you enjoy life and most of all help you grow in your faith!

About Me:

God has blessed me with more than I deserve. His constant love and grace makes me the woman I am today.  I believe we have to be the light and be the difference in this dark world. So don't shine so others can see you, Shine so that through you others can see him! I am just a southern ginger with curls who loves a little bit ruffles and a WHOLE LOT of JESUS and strawberries! (if you cant tell by my pic below) I was born and raised in Charlotte, NC and that is where my nest is today. I know that we all have plans and dreams we hope to aspire but God holds the ultimate plan. I cant wait to see what God has in store for me and for you! Follow my blogs for a good laugh, helpful hints and to grow deeper in your faith or feel free to contact me!


-Ruffles with a Purpose 


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