My First Blog

So this is where it begins.......

MY FIRST BLOG! I have wanted to enter into the blog world for quite some time now. What has stopped me you might ask? LIFE, the crazy thing we get caught up in, take for granted and goes by way to fast has kept me from starting a blog. School, Love, Football, Food, Holidays are just a few of the diversions that have postponed my blog life. I am currently in Dental Assisting school which has taken up almost every ounce of energy and hour of my life for studying. I am on spring break (hints the jump start into the  blog world). Keep and eye out for the blog I will be posting on "Tips on how  to get through COLLEGE"! On a side note if you are noticing my writing style and realize I use a lot of EXCLAMATION POINTS!! Well thats because I am a very expressionistic person, my family says I have 1,002 facial expression so it comes out through my writing. I cant wait to hopefully help you in some way, shape or form and start this journey. Ruffles with a Purpose will share helpful tips, bring laughter, give you confidence, help you enjoy life and most of all help you grow in your faith!

P.S- Dont judge my hard core laughing face lol. This is one of those belly moving laughs not one of those fake laughs.

-Ruffles with a Purpose


  1. I LOVED reading your first post! I am so excited to follow you and hear all about your journey!!!!

    1. Thank you so much!! Can't wait to help more readers like you.

      - Ruffles with a Purpose

  2. Thank you so much Care1013. Thank you for all of your comments and support it means so much to me. Hope you will continue to follow.

    Thank you,

    Ruffles with a Purpose


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