GOD then Love

God then Love

Relationship 101

This is for:
 Singles, Dating, Engaged or Married Couples

Think about the foundation of your relationship or of your life. Why are you here and how did you get there... What is the  MAIN focus and goals of your relationship/life? Is it Money, getting through college to earn that degree, having a husband and children in your dream house, just making it through this world, becoming a nurse? Whatever your answer was there your Foundation should be SOLID and ROOTED by God. So this blog will consist of falling in love with God and then loving someone else.

Falling in Love with God

Before you can fall in love with some one else or even comprehend love you need to fall in love with God who shows us more love than we deserve. God exemplifies his love in John 3:16 by sending his ONE and ONLY son to die for a sinner like you and me. So imagine you have one child who is your entire world.  Then you have to give your one and only child up to be crucified for selfish, unloving, and sinful people. Can you even imagine?? You probably wouldn't do it and that's okay because he did it for us. He has paid the debt, won the war and all we have to do is accept and follow him!! God loves you even before you accepted him into your heart....WOW. What kind of person loves you before you even love him? Our Perfect, PERFECT God is who!

You are loved forever - Romans 8:38-39

Loving Someone else

You know how everyone post pictures of there parents and they are still together after all these years and they have watched there love grow and what a great example it has been to witness. Well, yes that is true but what about the ULTIMATE example we just talked about? HELLO?! A love that is so great, so forgiving, so merciful and so unconditional there is not a love that will even come close to the love our father shows us! So here is the trick- Love others as Christ loves us and you will experience a new love. Show Grace, forgive and  be humble when loving someone else. Let me show you...

I am a firm believer in this visual. I have personally experienced this and I am here today to tell you the closer you come to God the closer you will come to him/her. If you don't have a significant other yet than great, this still works for you because the closer you come to God he will be preparing you for your relationship and preparing the one he has created just for you! Ive been with my significant others for quite some time now ( and I'm not going to turn this into a sappy blog all about me... BUT).  I can not express to you the new relationship that began the moment we decide to get our foundation right and make it ROCK SOLID with GOD!! Also nothing is more attractive than a man/women with the Heart of God!! If I had to narrow down a few things about us that make it more Christ like and less like society it would be
We seek and fear the Lord, we are patient and we show each other Grace!

Seeking the Lord by praise, worship and studying his word together you will be closer than you have ever been!! You will also learn from each other and find how inspirational they are to you!

Patience is actually something that he taught me... The kind of man he is amazes me but the patience this man has is a new amazement.. He has taught me so much but has sure taught me patience.  Patience with love but also life and how to handle situations in a calm and collect way. I used to be a bit of a hot head. I'm a red head, so I blame it on my hair!! Instead of arguing have a conversation. Instead of yelling try talking. Instead of getting angry be understanding. Handling the situations with patience and understanding is more effective than raising your voice saying things you don't mean and getting absolutely no where.

Grace... Oh one of my favorites!
Something we do NOT deserve yet we continue to receive from our amazing God. Showing Grace to someone that does not deserve it is so hard but you have to remember you don't deserve it either but our gracious Gods gives it to you!

So do not pursue those unrealistic "relationship goals"! Pursue Christ and you will find a Godly soul mate!

-Ruffles with a Purpose


  1. There would be so many less divorces if young people followed this advice!


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