Getting through College and achieving your career goals

Are you looking for the "magic answer" the tip that just solves all problems?

GOD! That's the the tip, the key, the ONLY WAY. God is the way through life but especially getting through school!  I am currently in Dental Assisting school, aka the longest year of my life school. You could just say a tough journey this has been but God has been with me everyday.If you are anything like me and are a worry wart, you STRESS about what you are going to do for the rest of your life. You feel like you have to  decide this very moment or Rome is going to come crashing down. I have jotted a few things down that helped me decide on where to go with my career.

Deciding/Preparing for your Career

1st: Make a list of your Strengths
Or just say them in your head as your are reading this. Since you are probably comfy and don't want to get up. This sounds silly and like a waste of time but I promise you will see where this is going.
Example, My Strengths-
Helping others  (if you can't tell by my blogs)
Remember this is for you and to help you decide on where to go with your life, so don't feel pompous writing about yourself.

2nd: Make a list of your weaknesses
Everyone has strengths and everyone has a weakness, so don't let this part of the activity make you feel down.
Overly cautious
Critical thinking
Impatient with some things
Slow learner

After you have completed your list look over it and just from your list you should be able to tell if you are an introvert or extrovert. Knowing which one you are is very important when narrowing down job options. If you are an introvert you may have strengths such as;  focused, self powered, determined, decisive.
If you are an extrovert you might have strengths like mine or along the same lines.

Make a list of jobs of search for jobs that fit your personality type.

Once you have narrowed it down and it's not something that seems to boring, grosses you out or isn't your cup of tea go JOB SHADOW! I can not stress enough how important it is to go job shadow the field you are interested in.

For example, I narrowed my career choice down to Dental. I immediately called a dental office in my area spoke with the office manager, set up a scheduled job shadowing time. Once I arrived I  observed, took notes, just really took everything in. I put my self in their shoes, i imagined waking up for the rest of my life and doing this job and decided it was for me. Do not let money decide where you go in life or what career path you choose. If money is your main focus you will soon found out it does not fill the whole you need filled. Only God can fill that whole! Once I left I expressed my gratitude and for taking the time out of their day to just show me the ropes. As soon as I got home I wrote a hand written note to the Doctor  and staff for allowing me to enter into their practice to learn. Yes you did read that correct, a hand written note. Today's generation does not realize the importance of a hand written letter, a personal phone call to say  happy birthday, a thank you card, follow up letters. (see more about hand written letters in my blog " Letters are NOT old Fashioned") It's personal and means so much especially to an employer. One day after receiving the letter I wrote, they called to offer me a job. A full time job... I had NO CLUE ABOUT ANYTHING... And they wanted me??? I was in shock but then realized very quickly that life and your career and whatever path you choose is not all about your skills, how educated you are, or how nice your portfolio might be. It's about your personality, being on time, being personable, having all your ducks in a row and adding a spark to the environment that only you can add!

Knowing how you Learn

Once you have decided on a career path and are getting the education or training you need to get to the goal evaluate your learning techniques. Figuring out how you learn is essential. I am a visual learner, so flash cards for me are key. However some of my DA school friends are what I call "reader learners" they can seriously read something and know it. I sure am missing that learning technique... I have made well over 300+ flash cards while in DA school and the process of reading the card, flipping it over and visually,  tacitly holding the card somehow embeds it in my brain. Highlighters!!! Oh my goodness highlighters are a must when studying. Color code the highlighters for questions, answers , important points to review.

* Picture of just a few necessity while in school. BE PREPARED!


The one key that I mentioned at the very beginning to get through school or whatever you encounter is GOD.
Isaiah 41:10 has gotten me through so much in this program and in life. The strength and peace that he has continued to give me through this program is unreal. As crazy busy as I knew my life was going to become after getting accepted into the program I made a promise to myself.. To devote time for God! He spends all the time in the world with me. God Is all ears the moment I need him, I know the least the very least I can do is set aside time for him. Every week I found a new bible verse to get me through the week. A verse to encourage me and give me strength as I went through this program. I knew that my time would slowly start to get taken up by studying and learning tooth anatomy instead of my bible. I keep the mind set of everything else comes second because HE is first!! Not my school, work, family, money, social media but God! I also started reading plans from the Bible app that were like 14 day plans or the 5 day plan on hope. These plans not only allowed me to go deeper into Gods word, but became mini goals for me.  Throughout this program I can't count the number of times I have told myself and God, if I can just get to blank... If I can pass this Infection Control National Board, if I can just pass my radiology competency, if I can just get through my Radiology National Board. Well he got me through it and I could not imagine going through this program or anything in life without him.

I hope this blog has helped you in some way! I have lots of studying, test taking , reading and comprehending what you read tips if you need more. Feel free to contact me!

-Ruffles with a Purpose


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