This Blog is for anyone who feels...

Unworthy,  Unqualified, or that you are not ENOUGH!

The first thing I want to point out is GOD'S timing is PERFECT! You hear people say " Just at the right place at the right time", there is no such thing! Its called God's timing. I say that to say, I had an opportunity presented to me that I felt so HONORED, but EXTREMELY UNQUALIFIED for. As all of these thoughts were running through my head while driving hours after learning of this opportunity, I was listening to my constant station I play which is KLOVE (91.9- christian music station). I heard the speaker mention a story about a missionary named Gladys.  What sparked my interest was the speaker said “Gladys was UNQUALIFIED"… and I instantly turned the volume up. He had already mentioned that Gladys wanted to be a missionary, but felt unqualified. Gladys from the very beginning knew Gods purpose was for her to be a missionary. She actually attended and failed missionary school and then really felt unqualified. An opportunity opened up in China where she went back to her comfort zone which was being a maid. During the maid job, God then opened up another door to help Chinese women. Back in the day Chinese women's feet at birth were wrapped in tight bandages to keep them from growing to big. The law had changed and the position for Gladys was to unwrap these poor women's feet.  After Gladys accepted the Job and started she found herself fulfilling her purpose by sharing the Gospel, while unwrapping the women's feet. At the end of the story Gladys did in fact turn out to be a Missionary and was an AMAZING one and yet was “unqualified” to do so.  Gladys was the first missionary to become a Chinese citizen. Gladys was unqualified,  felt unqualified and yet knew what she was called to do and being a missionary was what she did. 

I tell you that story for many reason one being it shows a great example of God's perfect timing. I was feeling overwhelmed with an opportunity I felt extremely unqualified for. I am driving down the road and hear the radio at the perfect time telling a story of a women feeling unqualified. Gods timing is perfect! 

The second reason I want to tell you this story is because Gladys felt unqualified and wasn't technically qualified to be a missionary. Gods purpose for her life was to become a Missionary! Gladys fulfilled her purpose by sharing the Gospel and was TRULY Qualified. 

In life you will feel that nudge, the whisper in your ear, the pull on your heart and that gut feeling in your stomach. I challenge you to LISTEN and FOLLOW! 
Stop hesitating and resisting and just go as God guides you!  

You are WORTHY. You are QUALIFIED. You are ENOUGH. 



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